
In today’s day and age, we rely on electronics for everything. Do you have a plan to deal with the fallout if the grid goes down due to accidents, weather, or other occurrences? A backup generator can help get you through these difficult times, keeping water flowing and well pumps running, powering sump pumps to protect your property from flooding, keeping food in refrigerators safe, providing fans, air conditioning or heating for protection from weather, and more.

Installing a backup generator can help you safely and effectively deal with the following situations:

  1. Hurricanes and tornadoes. Because of the sheer devastation that often results from hurricanes and tornadoes, communities can be left without power for extended periods of time as electrical crews struggle to repair and rebuild grids around debris.
  2. Lightning Lightning frequently results in power outages during storms by striking electrical equipment or trees, knocking them onto lines and poles. Though fuses and lightning arrestors are used to help contain damage, it can still take the utility company a long time to locate and address equipment in need of repairs.
  3. Winter storms. Snow and ice can build up on power lines, causing them to snap. In some cases, it can even become heavy enough to break poles. Snow and ice buildup can effect tree limbs as well, taking out power lines when limbs can no longer support the weight. In times like this, a backup generator offers lifesaving power for heat and electric blankets to keep your family warm.
  4. Wind. Wind can break tree limbs or repeatedly rub them up against power lines, causing them to break. If strong wind storms are common in your area, a backup generator is a worthy investment.
  5. Earthquakes. Lengthy power outages result from the extensive damages done to buildings and infrastructure following earthquakes, such as occurred in Hawaii’s 2006 earthquake on Maui and the Big Island. A backup generator is an essential tool in preparing for these lengthy outages, putting your family in the best possible position to maintain itself through restoration efforts.
  6. Floods. Flooding from rainstorms or melting snow can damage both aboveground and underground electrical equipment, causing outages. To make matters worse, it is often necessary to shut down additional power equipment to prevent damage from worsening, and flooding typically makes access to effected areas difficult for maintenance crews, prolonging outages. Investing in a backup generator is a great way to be prepared for what is a regular occurrence in some areas.
  7. Blackouts. Blackouts occur when the need for power far outweighs the power company’s ability to meet demand, and in today’s electronics-filled world, this is becoming increasingly common. In addition, the Department of Homeland Security has identified utilities as a possible terrorist target. Installing a portable generator in your home offers comfort and protection in the event of a blackout.
  8. The aging of the electrical system. Older overhead power lines wear out over time due to weather, insect and animal damage, and more. Complicating matters, updating the power system by relocating power lines underground where they are less exposed is extremely costly. Though power companies attempt to prevent outages with ongoing maintenance, equipment failure still causes a small number of power outages.
  9. Auto accidents. Auto accidents frequently result in power loss when cars knock over or otherwise damage utility poles. Backup generators can help you maintain essentials until the utility company can access and repair damaged poles and lines following an accident.
  10. Animals. Small animals can cause power outages when they climb on power lines and equipment, and surprisingly enough are second only to severe weather as a leading cause of power loss.

Do you know how to safely install and operate your backup generator? Contact Mr. Electric® today. Our professional technicians have the knowledge and skills to get your generator – and you – prepared for all life has to throw you way.


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