Scared of the dark? Ditch the security blanket. Outdoor sensor lights are your new BFF (best friend forever). Inexpensive and easy to install, outdoor sensor lights are a great way to beef up the safety and security of your home.
I’ve Got an Outside Light. What’s the Difference?
Outdoor sensor lights offer lots of advantages that old relics of an entryway light don’t. Here are some highlights…
No more hide-and-seek.
•With a well-lit exterior, burglars have no place to hide (like those dark, creepy bushes right next to your front door).
Go directly to jail.
•Well-lit communities have lower crime rates than those with poor lighting.
You’ve been forewarned.
•When outdoor sensor lights suddenly illuminate, you can more quickly respond to threats and alert the police.
Welcome to the fish bowl.
•The illumination of motion sensor security lights can help your neighborhood watch team (or neighbors) better respond to threats, especially when you are away from home or out of town.
A fumble-free experience.
•No more blundering at the front door in a futile attempt to get your key in the door lock cylinder in the pitch dark of night because your forgot to leave the outside light on.
Kilowatt killer.
•With sensor lights, lighting doesn’t have to run all day and all night, only when and where it’s needed. Wanna avoid a few extra kilowatts? Opt for super-efficient LED sensor lighting options.
Critter clearer.
•Free your yard of nighttime visitors like skunks, possums, raccoons, and other troublesome pests that don’t like light.
Under the Spotlight: Locating Outdoor Sensor Lights
For superior safety and illumination, lights in the following areas should span 100 feet and be bright enough to identify colors (and scare away criminals). Sensors blinded by the elements may perform poorly, so choose mounting locations protected from the elements (rain, snow, and sunlight). Popular areas for mounting sensor lights include…
Entryways and exits
•Such as driveways, front and back doorways, and walkways. (Be gone, thief!)
Decks and patios
•Including around fence gates and patio doors. (No hidey holes for you, Mr. Criminal!)
Hazardous areas
•Around swimming pools, stairways, and other trip hazards. (No trespassing or falls, please!)
When it comes to your home’s safety and security, don’t remain in the dark. Count on the professionals at Mr. Electric® to shed some light on your safety and security needs. For a free home outdoor security and sensor lighting quote, contact us today.
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